2021 - 2022
Ontwikkelplan Zwolle
2021 - 2022
Ontwikkelplan Zwolle
In the future, Zwolle will be subject to inner-city growth, meaning the inner-city will grow within its existing boundaries. As a result, more people will work, reside and recreate within close proximity. Important choices about the limited space have to be made, mostly related to housing, mobility, and economic and cultural capital. In order to give direction to future development, Bureau B+B worked on a Development Program for the Zwolle Center-Inner City.
Gemeente Zwolle
BURA, Merosch, Stadkwadraat, Studio Bereikbaar

The development program focuses on further strengthening the economic and cultural position of Zwolle, and on creating a more green, attractive and future-proof centre-inner city for both its residents and (international) visitors.

In ‘Ons Stadshart van morgen’, a green and climate-adaptive city is seen as a precondition for realising the future-proof city centre. The development of a strong and well-connected Singel structure surrounding the historic city centre is therefore the motor of the development program. The Singelzone will thus have a cohesive function that connects the city centre and adjacent key areas.

The Singelzone ensures a better connection between the key neighbourhoods Noorderkwartier, Roelenkwartier and Willemsknoop/Stationsbuurt. Important developments are planned in these key areas that will add qualities, restore connections and further strengthen the city centre. Besides reinforcing the Singelzone, reinforcing high streets as a connector between the city centre and the surrounding neighbourhoods is an important step in the centre’s development as well. By diversifying and enriching experiences in public space, more meaningful places can be created for visitors and residents within the district and its neighbourhoods.