2016 - ongoing
Kern Bijzonder
2016 - ongoing
Kern Bijzonder
After almost thirty years, Bureau B+B updates the famous plan ‘The healthy Core’. The economic and social circumstances have changed, but the city still requires coherence, identity and quality.
Den Haag
Gemeente Den Haag
7 ha

The reduction of car traffic makes it possible to create a shared space boulevard on the heart line. In this shared space, bicycles, public transport and local traffic all use a central lane, subtly marked on the pavement. This leaves generous pedestrian lanes on either side. The heart line is transformed from a place to pass, to a place to be. On the crossroads of the heart line and the squares, the design of the street dominates the design of the squares. The squares are undermined by this.
In the proposed situation, the squares are no longer dissected by the street. The traffic lane crosses the square in a modest way. The squares fill all the space and present themselves on the route of the heart line.