1999 - 2000
Tuin Makeblijde: Looking for Jane
1999 - 2000
Tuin Makeblijde: Looking for Jane
A garden is a fenced off piece of cultured land. In the past, a garden was often surrounded by wilderness. In this garden, we turn things around; the garden is a fenced of piece of wilderness in the Makeblijde garden.
Makeblijde Tuin

The micro climate that is created by the high black fence and a water nebula, enhances the growth conditions for the exotic plants and gives the garden a jungle feeling. Balancing on tree trunks, or a narrow bridge, the visitor can cross over to the other side of the jungle. On the west side, the fence has a double wall and a roof. It seems like a subterranean space with fog rising through the cracks of the floor. In the evening, the space is lit with a green light. Hanging ropes transform into a forest of vines. Between the vines swings are hanging, on which the visitor can observe the garden through a peeping hole.